NEW: Proverbs and Saying


I got on Facebook and other Social Media has often found that people find it pleasant to share all kinds of sayings and proverbs with each other.

Hence, as I have the necessary technology to share beautiful proverbs and sayings in a pleasant way through this site, I have today made this category.

Moreover, WordPress provides the ability to communicate with each other as this is done on Facebook and other social media.

Just add your comment below each post, this comment will be published after approval and others see your response and can further respond to your comment. You want to stay informed of any comments give others? simply indicates that you want to stay informed.

Would you continue to receive such proverbs and sayings ?, Just write the newsletter aside here

I would appreciate it if you would share this spells with others using the share buttons below.

Do you own a WordPress blog? Share the spells that you speak with the Herblog-button below.

Given my blog already visited more than 130 countries, I go every time I make a spell in Dutch, also do in English


Theo Herbots

Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.

Bron: Miniature

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